Mastering the Art of Quarterbacking – Making Virtual Teams Work Successfully.
Thankfully, (for originality’s sake) we all have a different perspective of the world. Different perspectives are a good thing, because let’s be honest, the world would be a pretty boring place if we all looked at things the same way. With different perspectives come creativity, clarity, genius, inspiration, understanding and unique points of view.It’s the same thing with advisory teams. Advisors see the world through their own eyes, their own professions and their own biases. Their viewpoint depends on many variables like their past experiences and your present circumstances. The intricacies of your situation mean you have many advisors—lawyers, consultants, accountants, financial planners—and they all have a different perspective of your wealth. But with many advisors come challenges. How do you bring together all of their viewpoints and get them to work together in a cohesive, timely manner?The team that advocates the most effectively and efficiently for you has to be clear on many issues including your goals and the various roles and strengths of all the team members. An effective facilitator (or quarterback) knows the critical issues and can decide which expert to defer to when needed.The role of the quarterback is to be aware of what you and your family ultimately want to accomplish and to reflect that view to the various experts. We bring them all to the table and help them work together to find solutions. The key to this is to build confidence in the virtual team; confidence consists of competency, clarity, trust and proper management.Our objective is to ensure that your virtual team has complementary skills and that they are working together towards one goal—yours.Each team member will look at your situation in a different way; each will have a different perspective. Working with an advisor who can inspire them to clearly see your viewpoint will help to keep your goals and focus at the heart of the team.