You Have a Decision To Make...

...and not much time to make it.

In April, the feds released a new budget and when we sent out an update on it, one of the things we'd shared was...

"...effective on January 1, 2017, the tax rules governing all permanent life insurance policies will change significantly for the first time in 35 years.  Of greatest importance is a reduction in the amount of cash value that can accumulate in policies purchased after January 1, 2017.  If you want to take advantage of the current rules which allow for more tax-free cash value growth in a life insurance policy, please come in and see us.  Policies in place prior to January 1, 2017 will be "grandfathered" and not be affected by the new tax rules.  This is a time-limited opportunity."

Well, that limited time opportunity is almost over. To take advantage of this "last chance before things change", it requires that new applications that can be grandfathered be submitted before October 15, 2016. That means you'd need to meet with us, we'd need to figure out a few things, and then get the paperwork submitted before October 15th. If you're interested (and there's a real impact to this change!), please reach out directly to Jan Voss at (403) 410-3038, or Debbie White at (403) 410-6810 to set up a time to meet and we're happy to help you look at this and weigh the pros and cons. In your corner, Tom & Allison


Family harmony and the shared family cottage


There Should Be No "Back to School" for Adults